Histology and Embedding Waxes

The quest to eradicate disease is a noble and incredibly long-running one, and histology is one of the key weapons in medicine’s armoury, for without histology and its cousin histopathology, there can be little or no accurate diagnosis or knowledge of diseased...

Waxes for Candle Makers

The traditional art of candle making is enjoying resurgence in popularity and it’s not hard to see why. As a hobby it’s relaxing and creative, for the artist it provides a unique method of expression and of course the public love of candles as gifts means...

Eve Victoria Fragrance

We are delighted to announce that Poth Hille & Co. Ltd have acquired the name and assets of Eve Victoria Home Fragrance www.evevictoriacandles.co.uk This is a high end luxury brand of candles, diffusers and allied products. We will be promoting alongside our wax...